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Babla was not in tune with the whole world. And how small was his world; from his house to school and from school to his house. At home he did not like the quarrelsome atmosphere where his Didi Suman and jeejaji Nikhil were constantly fighting. And in the school he used to feel like and alien and lonely because of the indifference of teachers.
The only shelter and solace for him was Pappu, his friend. Since Pappu was also facing the same sort of problems, they had become friends and were trying to fight out the whole world, with their innocent ways. The world was too complicated for them. They used to discuss why the world is the way it is. Their total misery they used to think, was because they were not grownups.
Babla was more sensitive. He uses to write philosophical notes in his not book. Why can't he grow up instantly? Why he is punished for childhood offences? Why the grownups are enemies to the innocent children? Inspite of his hard attempts to understand the world and its crooked ways, he could not understand, and in utter frustration and confusion he runs away from his house.
From here his journey starts. This journey provided him a direct combat with life. This journey was not from city to village, where he wanted to reach his mother's warm and comfortable lap; rather this journey proved to be from innocence to maturity.
If the teachers and guardians won't take his full responsibility he himself will look after himself. This is what the KITAAB of life taught him.
[From the official press booklet]